irish Angel
Post written by: lenny
“jim is my irish Angel” – abby williams
a missing-man formation is the order of the day
a gentle irish Angel who is showing us the way
a missing-man formation is the first toast of the night
a resting irish Angel who makes everything all-right
selfless soldier
by f. t. bliss
(sung to the tune of “breathe” (2 a.m.) by ann nalick — it even uses her ft. bliss reference)
selfless soldier, he crosses a very fine line
is it war? is it Peace? is it Love? is it time?
how does faith play a role in this field of chances?
selfless soldier is flying away to ft. bliss
if he’s always on target then why do i miss
all the talking and dreaming and walking and laughter
selfless soldier, he crosses a very fine line
is it all part of One complicated Design?
how does fate take its toll under these circumstances?
selfless soldier is waving-away from ft. bliss
now he’s smiling, conniving, and blowing a kiss
is it magical there in the life everafter?
* “irish Angel” inspired by abby (who described jim as her “irish Angel“); a remarkable family, and an incredible circle of friends.
* “selfless soldier” inspired by matt casey‘s memorial website,
found here: